
We are pleased to announce that finally our new
website is launched which gives a personal dedication to the memory of those lost in the tragic events of September 11th,
2001. In addition it also is dedicated to the brave men and women of the US armed forces and the Coalition forces who have
lost their lives in support of freedom in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.
We invite you to visit the new website on
Even now, eight years after the attacks,
there are still in excess of 45% of the bodies unidentified. Work goes on, although it does not regularly get
reported in the media. We salute the men and women who are still directly involved in this tragedy on a daily basis.
We are still losing men and women to terrorism
elsewhere in the world and we would appreciate you taking time to say a prayer for all of the coalition troops who are daily
putting their lives on the line to try to make life safer not only for us, but also for other citizens of far away countries.

We are proud of our family soldier and are honored
to support Helen and all of the other men and women in uniform who served and are serving the country and the free world both
in the Middle East and around the globe. Please support our military members, their families and friends.
Please accept our invitation to visit our other major website which is dedicated to Helen
and all the men and women of the coalition armed forces who are involved in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

On February 1st, 2003 the Space Shuttle Columbia and
the seven crew on board were lost as they were re-entering the earth's atmosphere following a successful 16 day misssion.
Our prayers and sympathy go to the families and friends of the crew, and to the NASA "family" as a whole. We have decided
to include a page as a tribute to the heroes whose lives were lost, and to the space crews in general, from all countries,
who are putting their own lives at risk to try to help us all find out more about the various aspects of space outside "Mother
Earth". We invite you to join us in our prayers.

Please say a prayer for the families and friends of those lost, and those so deeply
affected by the attack on America and the World early on that sunny September morning of 9.11.2001., also for the men
and women of the emergency services and everyone in both military and civilian life who even as you read this are putting
their own lives at risk to protect us all.
Many families are having their lives disrupted, some for the first time, others
as a repeat of previous years, indeed our own "Christmas" one year had to be "brought forward" at very few days notice
as our daughter Helen was called to active training and service only 12 days before Christmas and is was deployed overseas in
Operation Iraqi Freedom.
May God Bless them all, and,
May God Bless America.

Please make a note of our new domain, you can continue to access
this website by the old one if you have it bookmarked, but we are now:
The name says it all !

Welcome to our personal tribute site!
The World Trade Center (WTC) in New York City, The Pentagon in Washington D.C., and Shanksville in
Pennsylvania directly suffered in the attacks of September 11th 2001 (9.11). This is our tribute to the victims, heroes, and
everyone in any way affected.
The whole world changed on that fateful day, we dedicate this
website to those who fell, the emergency personnel who died trying to help others, the civilians and crew of the
flight that was brought down to save further losses, and the men and women who are so bravely trying to help to prevent
further terrorist attacks.
Please remain patient whilst waiting for pages to load, this
website is very graphic intensive. We would like to thank Tripod/Lycos for the wonderful support they are giving this website.
With the additional support we now have from Arthur and Diane Harrison in California this should give us both continuity and
better access times in the future. It is nice to know that some big companies really do care!......Thank you all for not just
allowing us to continue, but also develop this website, and future ones. Puts a whole new meaning on "sea to shining sea"
as we are in Maryland, we have huge support from California, and Lycos/Tripod are indeed worldwide.

One of our most recent Awards

"Congratulations! After a review of your "America" site, we've decided to honor it with a Lady Liberty's "Revolutionary"
Freedom Fighter Award! You obviously ended up with a much bigger site on your hands than you'd originally anticipated!
To your credit, you just kept right on going. As a result, your site is just about the most comprehensive memorial site I've
seen. In fact, it may be THE most comprehensive personal memorial site on the 'net. Though the load time on the home page
was slow (we're temporarily cursed with a slow connection speed), the audio clips were such a terrific addition to the feel
of the page that we felt the wait was well worth it. We're also struck by the background you selected - green, natural,
as though you were symbolizing new life out of tragedy. If that's what you intended, it worked for us! The content,
of course, is extensive, and we found many things of personal interest to us. We trust your other visitors do as well."

Attacksonusa.org ...A website that gives links and rates all the most popular websites. This is a addition
was made on August 17th 2002. Our website is in the top 3 of the listed Memorial and Tribute sites, and in
the top 5 of ALL patriotic websites out of a list of almost 200 websites.

Click the above picture to link to Suzan's website |
"Suzan Vitti is an example of a true American spirit. A single unknown volunteer coming to the aid of strangers
during the time of tragedy."
We would like to pass on an invitation for our visitors to visit a unique website, which is the one of Suzan Vitti, who
was directly involved in the support of the rescue and recovery workers at Ground Zero. The above picture of the twin
lights will link you to her website, as will her picture below.
For her efforts Suzan has received countless honors, including commendations and recognition from several units of the
Police and Fire Departments of the City of New York, the Salvation Army, the Army National Guard, the New York State Troopers,
the Board of Freeholders, the Mayor of South Brunswick, New Jersey State Legislature, Assemblywomen Linda Greenstein, Congressman
Rush Holt and the Governor of New Jersey.
One of her most prized possessions is a sweatshirt, which Suzan is wearing in the picture below,, and upon which she has
pinned the more than 150 pieces of official collar brass donated to her by grateful rescue and recovery personnel to whom
she tended at Ground Zero. As to her volunteering spirit, Suzan has said simply, "I'm an American. It is my duty."

Click on Suzan's picture to visit her unique website. |

Here on our website you will find many images,
some are good memories of before the attacks and some are disturbing as they show pictures of the actual attacks and aftermath,
also most pages have optional music which we feel relevant. We have put this website together as our own small tribute
to the tragic events of Tuesday September 11th 2001. We recommend parental guidance whilst browsing this
website as the content of some of the pictures can be traumatic.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families who's lives have been uprooted by these unspeakable
acts of terrorism.
Our prayers also go out to all the men, women, and animals who are helping with the recovery effort,
along with the many hundreds, of "unsung" people giving the essential background support.
We believe that each and
every one of them could accurately be described as 'angels among us'. They are risking their lives, many of them going without
sleep/food, originally in the hope of saving as many people as possible, and now hoping to give closure to the many thousands
of men, women, and children who will never be able to hug their loved ones again.
We urge you, always
to tell those close to you that you love them, not to let any small annoyances go unresolved, and to take all possible time
and effort to reassure your children of their well being.

An older quote....... "I feel this way about it. World trade means world peace and consequently the World
Trade Center buildings in New York ... had a bigger purpose than just to provide room for tenants. The World Trade Center
is a living symbol of man's dedication to world peace ... beyond the compelling need to make this a monument to world peace,
the World Trade Center should, because of its importance, become a representation of man's belief in humanity, his need for
individual dignity, his beliefs in the cooperation of men, and through cooperation, his ability to find greatness."
--Minoru Yamasaki, chief architect of the World Trade Center.

The above picture was drawn by a young girl who is a member of the Deaf community living in Indiana

A special perspective from a lady living in Australia, close to Sydney, and in an area being ravaged by many uncontrolled
fires, yet this lady took the time to respond to her own feelings having seen the Christmas tree at Ground Zero.....a partial
quote from a letter written by her and sent to a friend of mine in the U.K.....
"The worst thing for me being a mild
asthmatic is that with all the smoke I find that I have to use my puffer, which is something I don't do very often. The sky
is very dark, and there is ash bits in the garden. No-one panics though and everyone is calm, even if they loose there homes
they seem to cope very well and other people have a tremendous capacity to help them, which is love!"
Here is the
poem writtem by Mavis Atha in Sydney:
Christmas thoughts after the events of September 11th
A lovely tree
stands tall at GROUND ZERO It has been moved from it's usual place this Christmastime. It is a symbol and celebration,
that two thousand years ago, an event took place, the whole world was given a sign.
A Star, a lovely bright star
lit the Eastern sky, to show where Christ was to be born in Bethlehem. A Saviour for the world, who would for sinners
die, so they could live forever with Him, in Heaven.
We have this hope, on the tree, the star shows the way, which
leads us to the Suffering One, who died upon a cross, when the sun was darkened, as on that fateful day, when the
whole world shook to realise the loss.
So as this tree stands tall and looks towards the sun, we will not bend
or shake when we see this awful sight, we will stand tall, and look towards God"s Son, in His strength and power,
we know we have the right !
Our thoughts are with our Australian friends during this difficult time...and our
thanks........for taking time to think of others whilst under considerable personal hardship.

The Internet Rememberance Campaign is an organization that is dedicated to archiving media of all types connected
with the tragic events of 9.11.2001. We are proud to be members of the organization, and would ask that you spend a little
time visiting the website. This is one of the few places on the internet where a complete list of those lives lost is maintained....a
function that we do not even have on our website.

Some WTC Statistics
Lives lost in NYC at the WTC
Total killed in the WTC attacks.......2,819
Never found...................................1,717
Firefighters killed..............................343
Police Personnel killed......................23
Port Authority Personnel killed..........37
Recovery Work Statistics
Debris removed................1,642,698 tons.
Steel removed....................190,568 tons.
Debris left underground.......25,000 tons.
Recovery work.................3,100,000 hours.
Number of trucks used.......108,444.
Total area..........................16 acres.

Some Pentagon Statistics
Total killed.........125
Total Injured.......80
Total area........6.5 million square feet (or about the equivalent of THREE Empire State Buildings). Almost
a third of the area (2 million square feet) was damaged in the attack. The damage was 65 yards wide.
Time taken to clear the damage.....one month and one day.
Number of workers......................about 1000
Name of work..............................The Phoenix Project.
The workers have been working 12 hour shifts, 24/7 to meet a self imposed deadline to get the office workers
back into the rebuilt section within one year of the attacks. The major building and repair work was completed in June 2002,
just nine months after the attack. Final interior work is now also completed.
The work ran ahead of schedule, and below budget.
A massive electronic clock stands close to where the American Airlines plane (flight number AA77) flew into
the building......beneath the numbers that tick down to the seconds to 9.38am on the first anniversary there is a sign that
proclaims "Let's Roll".

The Five Flags
There were five flags recovered.
The first flag was split almost in two when it was found......it flew outside churches during the funerals
of fallen police officers.....this was also the flag that was so movingly carried at the Winter Olympic Games in Utah. It
was brought to Salt Lake City by New York Police and firefighters.
The second flag was taken to San Francisco by a New York policeman to thank the CA police for their help.
It was raised at The Golden Gate Bridge to form a symbol of unity from "sea to shining sea".
The third flag was the most badly damaged and was destined to be retired until Federal Officials intervened.
It is now a National Historic Artifact.
The fourth flag is probably the best known of all.....it was the one raised by the three New York firefighters
at Ground Zero.... It then went aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt for six months to the Arabian Sea.
The fifth flag was turned into an "autograph book"....signed by rescuers, friends and relatives of those killed,
and some visitors. The flag accompanied The Marines to Afghanistan and flew at the Kandahar air base there.

We invite you to visit any of our websites......
This was our first website dedicated to supporting the troops and was hugely successful in bringing a "little taste of
home" to over 17,600 during the Festive Season in 2003. It is our intention for this to continue during 2004.
Bringing a "little taste of home" throughout the year by sending care packages and essential items, primarily to newly
deployed troops, but also to those who are for whatever reason not getting too much support from home.
Our very first tribute site, and now internationally acclaimed, used as an education aid in many schools and other institutions
as well as by emergency services worldwide. Probably the largest and most visited privately owned and operated 9.11 tribute
site on the internet. Allow a LOT of time, and a box of Kleenex......this is a HUGE website.
Dedicated to the events and issues that affect the US and coalition troops involved in the global war on terrorism while
supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom. Another HUGE website, with links to those lost and our details "Daily Dairies", covering
all the major news in diary form from day one of this conflict to remove the tyrannical regime of Saddam Hussein, remove possible
threats on the US and other countries, and provide freedom and democracy for the Iraqi people.
A personal dedication to those brave men and women who have given their lives in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom,
Operation Enduring Freedom, and the reason that they were necessary, the tragic events of September 11th, 2001. All the names
are listed, and a short summary/bio in many cases.
The day by day summary of events and issues affecting the US men and women in uniform who are involved in Operation Iraqi
Freedom. Updated at least daily, and more often as important breaking news is available.

About this website
There are many pictures, images,
banners, buttons, flags etc...as of April 29th, 2003 we now have approaching 1000 images spread over 50 pages,
plus text, poems, and prayers, along with various sounds, all of which are either "right clickable" for you to save, or, in
the case of the sounds, downloadable. In the text, you will find that it can be copy/pasted. We tested all of the
links as we added them, but if you find any that are not working please email us.
We have "borrowed" many of
these images and sounds from other sites, too numerous to mention, and we would like to extend our thanks to those sites for
allowing the sharing of these. The images do remain the copyright of the original publishers, hopefully, under the sad circumstances
they will allow us to share these with you all. If anyone does hold the copyright to any of the material used, and objects
to it's use we will remove it as soon as possible once notified of such a request. Please email us to confirm your interest.
would like to thank both national, and international media for the considerable empathy they have shown in covering these
events, and whilst we are eager to give the originators of all the images and texts that we have included praise for their
content this has not been possible in the majority of cases, if you know of any originators we will include them
as soon as possible. We would particularly like to thank http://www.justsaywow.com for their wonderful tributes, and those of their contributors. We would also like to thank Associated
Press who hold the rights to many of the pictures.
We ask you to be patient whilst the pages load as there are many
images, some of which are quite large.
If you have any suitable material for this site we would welcome it, and will
include it if possible at the earliest opportunity. We are not now limited to available space thanks to the
tremendous support from Lycos/Tripod, and our supporters in California.
You will note that throughout this tribute
website there are no page "hit" counters, nor do we have a "guest book" as we feel that this is neither the time, nor the
place to either add extra items, or to satisfy ourselves of the popularity of the site. However figures from the hosts at
Tripod show that we are constantly receiving over 500 hits per day. These figures have little changed over the past several
months having peaked at over 10,000 per day in the immediate days surrounding the first anniversary of the tragedy.
We have our contact information on the website, and we welcome any additional items, corrections,
and suggestions, and we will try to update the site regularly.
Our most sincere sympathy goes out to all those affected by this tragedy in whatever way........our
deepest thanks to the rescuers for their valiant efforts, for the months of work that they carried out so carefully and
respectfully in removing debris and recovering loved ones from the Ground Zero area.
and Trev
We are pleased to suggest that you consider visiting the World Trade Center Miracles Foundation website which was built to
help those who were affected by the WTC tragedy. Just click on their logo below. If you arrived at our site via their
link, please take the time to revisit their site to look at the other websites featured, and may we take this opportunity
to ask you to vote for our website. Thank You.

I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will be proud of
him. --Abraham Lincoln

Another interesting website, whilst not strictly a tribute one, is suggesting a new theme for the World peace and empathy
subject, and a new flag to promote it....


 National Homeland
Security Knowledgebase
We have now included the above alert to ensure our American visitors have the most up to date information available.
This alert level will change automatically, the link will give access to the definative homeland security information resource.

This site is now coded for the added benefit of our visitors, and,
specifically parents. The Internet Content Rating Association is an international, independent organization that empowers
the public, especially parents, to make informed decisions about electronic media by means of the open and objective labelling
of content. ICRA is a non-profit making organization with offices in both Brighton, UK and Washington DC, USA. Members include
many of the internet industry's leading names from around the world.

Our website is also coded by SafeSurf. SafeSurf was founded in 1995,
out of concern for children accessing adult material and the potential trauma associated with early exposure to pornography.

We are honored to have been chosen to receive complimentary membership of the International Association
of Web Masters and Designers as a direct result of this tribute website which is dedicated to the events and people surrounding
September 11th 2001.

Our newest industry accepted major award |

click here to hear "angels among

Latest Website Information
February 23rd, 2004...Official launch of our new website that is dedicated to the memory of those lost
in the tragic events of 9/11/2001 and also in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom at USAHeroes.org..again The Name Says It ALL!!!
December 20th, 2003...Work resumed on providing personal dedication to the memory of those lost.
August 4th, 2003...Added an additional page giving details of propsed events to mark the second anniversary
of this tragedy. National and International details are still in the process of being confirmed, but we have included many
local events in the NYC area.
July 15th, 2003...Progress now being made on replacing the graphics pages using ones that we have specific
approval to use from various webmasters.
June 29th, 2003...Added a list of "Thank You's" to the "Patriotic Graphics - The Story" page. Not a
comprehensive list, but shows the widespread support of the website.
June 25th, 2003...Added information and background justification for the removal of the Patriotic Graphics
pages as previously outlined a week ago.
June 18th, 2003... All of the pages with constantly changing news and information are still updated,
usually on a frequent basis...however we have today removed the special graphics pages from the site due to external
pressure, we will be building a full explanation page in the next few days as we feel that as this is YOUR
website which is dedicated to all of the men and women who were lost in the tragic events of 9.11 then you are entitled
to know the facts as they present themselves. We will NOT be "mincing words" on this page, but we are currently
awaiting clearance of it from various qualified legal opinions prior to publishing it.
June 4th, 2003...We continue to update the website information as and when it comes to hand. We have
today received an email from a third party, which was actually addressed to the tribute website, but also made mention of
the Iraqi Freedom Heroes one and we wish to make it quite clear that we are more than willing to give credit to the
various copyright holders upon direct request from the copyright owner that we do so. The copyright shown on each page
does not cover, nor conflict, with the individual copyrights held by the individual artists of the various media represented.
February 26th, 2003...The page showing the new development proposals that were submitted
in December of 2002 was updated within two hours of the final winner being unofficially announced. The confirmation will be
February 13th, 2003...We have reached yet another landmark....our 50th page on the website.
We think that it is fitting to make this page one where we can display a small selection of the many comments and requests
that we have from people who have emailed us. As previously stated, whilst we created, designed, and maintain the website
and we have the wonderful help of our friends in California who financially support it, this is YOUR website, it is dedicated
to all those affected by the tragedy, but is meant to serve people who share our Patriotic feelings, and these are the comments
etc that have come from the website visitors.
February 11th, 2003...The Columbia Tribute page updated, and a new page added, "Lithuanian
World Community Donation."
February 10th, 2003...Several pages updated, including our personal tribute page, the 2002
WTC development page, the awards page, and a link placed on the homepage to Suzan Vitti's website.
February 2nd, 2003...A special page added in tribute to the lives of the seven crew members
of the space shuttle Columbia, which was lost on re-entry to Earth on February 1st, 2003. We hope to update this page over
the next several days as further information is available,
January 14th, 2003....Now added a submission form for interested patriotic websites to apply
for our own web site award program. Also the website is now coded to allow parental supervision for the younger viewers to
try to ensure that the images and experience of browsing the site is not too traumatic for them. We have codings from the
two major world leaders in this field.
January 9th, 2003.....Added music (some optional) to the webpages that were without it, added
more pictures to the First Anniversary sequence of pages, other minor website updates.
December 28th, 2002...Slightly revised introduction to home page, and another page added
"The U.S.S. New York", which gives at present brief details of a new warship proposed to be built using some of the WTC steel
subject to structural testing.
December 18th, 2002....Other than our sadness in announcing the delay in launch of the new
website until sometime Spring 2003 (caused by Trevor's unfortunately having to have by-pass surgery whilst building the site)
we have now revised our welcome message to reflect the Christmas/Holiday season, and are pleased to announce yet another new
page, this time showing the revised concept plans for the rebuild of the WTC site, and are proud to be the only website to
launch this information on the very day it was releaseds to the public and mass media. We have also be favored by an enquiry
from the September 11 Digital Archive http://www.911digitalarchive.org who say "a project organized by the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University and the American Social
History Project at the City University of New York Graduate Center, has selected your September 11 website as one of the best
on the Internet." We were also asked if we would "consider donating a copy of your website to the September 11 Digital Archive
for long-term preservation?", which we of course were proud to agree to.
October 21st, 2002....Slight site modifications made, work commenced in earnest on a new
website that will hopefully name, show a picture of, and a short bio of each victim. This is very intensive work, not least
to try to ensure all the facts are correct....we hope to have the website online by Christmas 2002.
September 30th, 2002...From small beginnings back on September 14th,2001 we have grown to
be probably the most comprehensive memorial website on the internet. We have now added three pages of gallery pictures
from America and around the World of events marking the first anniversary. We believe this is also the largest collection
of such pictures available on any one website, although we do plan to expand it still further.
September 21st, 2002... More details and pictures added to the new page, which is now almost
complete, but we would still welcome further contributions.
September 20th, 2002... A Landmark Page, number 40, for a Landmark Day was added to the website.
Our report of World events marking the First Anniversary of 911. The page content will be increased over the next several
days and more picture content will be added but we wanted to get the base page online as soon as possible.
September 12th, 2002...Not only have the past two days been a sad reminder of the tragic
events that unfolded a year ago, but they have also been a nightmare technically for almost all of the tribute websites, including
ours. We massively increased our bandwidth prior to the events, and still had to contact Tripod for further support on both
the 10th and 11th. Thankfully with their help we were able to stay online for most of the time. Our bandwidth usage for those two
days was about 1.5Gb per day (rather more than the maximum that a regular personal site is allowed per month), and we
were able to serve almost 10,000 hits according to the figures from Tripod. A remarkable feat for a personal website, and
our most sincere thanks go out to Arthur and Diane from California, and to Tripod, for their accumulated support and
making it all possible. With their combined help and our determination, YOUR website is here for a
very long time, it will remain in our ownership despite those that would like to take it over for their own purposes, and
will continue to serve you. Thank you again everyone for the wonderful emails that you send, we hope that you will continue
to visit us regularly.
September 10th, 2002...We are proud to launch our new website name, dedicated to all those
affected by the tragedy a year ago, access is now available on www.americantribute.us although the prior URL will still work to save changing any bookmarks. Also today we have added the latest information
on our Rescue Dogs page, and the website privacy policy on our "contact us" page.
September 9th, 2002... We have been constantly checking and updating the site since the beginning
of September. We are hoping that we will not have too much down time because of bandwidth restrictions, but like all of the
major tribute websites we are at present severely stretched in that respect. We did have about an hour this morning when the
site was not available, please bear with us during the next few days, we are urgently addressing the problem, and hope that
it will not reoccur.
September 1st, 2002.... We have received wonderful results from Attacksonusa.org
...A website that gives links and rates all the most popular websites. Our website is already in the top 10
of the listed Memorial and Tribute sites, and almost in the top 20 of ALL patriotic websites out of a list of some 150+ websites.
Maybe we will be number one on their listing as well as the World Trade Center Miracles Foundation one for the first anniversary, indeed
an honor for a privately owned and maintained website, we are proud to serve YOU in this way, and thank each and every
visitor for their support. By September 11th 2002 we will have welcomed over a quarter of a million visitors to our tribute
site, we value all of them and hope that we have been some help in our dedication to the events and grief of 9.11.2001.
August 31st, 2002...Our new Ladder54 Firefighter's Award has been added to the awards page.
We have also been given several new domain names to use, things are going to be hectic within the website in the days approaching
the first anniversary of the tragedy, and eventually we will be announcing the new website domain name,along with plans for
future development. Please ensure that you have utilized the free update email service that is offered.
August 26th, 2002...We have added brief WTC and Pentagon statistcs and also details of the
five flags found at Ground Zero lower down on this page. Also received news that the Canadian website Injuredbiker.com is
to feature this website as "site of the month" for the month of September 2002 as a tribute to those affected by the attacks
a year ago. We are proud to have this break from tradition bestowed on our website.
August 25th, 2002...We now have a poll on the website, at the bottom of this page. This will
enable us to include more of the content that our guests wish to see, or facilities that they would like added. If you do
not find the answer that you are looking for do please email us and we will consider your suggestion carefully. We urge everyone
to use the poll, only by doing that will we be able to try to include content that is wanted by the majority of visitors.
Thank you for taking the time to vote.
August 19th, 2002...We have finally added a page showing the recognition and awards that
our tribute website has been honored to receive. This is our 39th page, leaving the milestone 40th as one which we can report
the events that take place to mark the one year anniversary of the terrorist attacks. Our website is still to this day receiving
almost 500 hits per day (Tripod's figures as we do not log them), and we expect that figure to increase once again as the
date of the anniversary approaches. Thankfully with all the support from Tripod we are in a position to be adequately covered
by bandwidth to be able to host all the extra traffic, however please be patient if we do suffer a slowdown at peak times.
August 15th, 2002...New page added "The First Anniversary" giving details of the proposed
tributes and acts of rememberance that will take place on September 11th 2002.
July 21st, 2002...New page added "The Development Proposals" outlining the propsed plans
for redevelopment of the WYC site in NYC, most of which have already been rejected by members of the NYC public as unsuitable.
July 3rd, 2002...4th July Rememberance tribute added.
June 11th, 2002...Complete overall of website commenced. The site will remain online during
this period, please excuse any reconstruction work that may affect your viewing.
June 1st, 2002...Tripod/Lycos agreed to allow this free website to continue, and also
were kind enough to grant increased webspace, and massively increased bandwidth to 10GB
May 5th, 2002...The website was awarded "Awesome Tribute Award" by Michael Kerr, who owns
and operates one of the biggest, and best, Tribute webrings on the internet. We urge you to visit his website, American Memorial
Tribute, and his other links on http://www.werismyki.com/index.html
April 17th, 2002...Some slight refinement of selected pages.
March 5th, 2002...More poems added (including one very touching one from a 13 year old)...site
updated and more content and music added to mark the passing of 6 months since the tragic events.
February 3rd, 2002...Website updated.
January 7th, 2002...the "Christmas message" replaced with a New Year one.......and a very special "Christmas
Tree" poem added.
December 15th, 2001...another extra page and content added.....also a "Christmas
December 8th, 2001...extra page in the "around the world" series.
28th, 2001...more content added, some revised.
November 22nd, 2001...additional images added
to various pages
November 18th, 2001...minor changes to page sequences.
11th, 2001...Red Cross links reset following them promising to ensure all funds will go to the purpose intended.
November 5th, 2001...additional pictures added on various pages.....
Following adverse reports
in the media about The Red Cross only feeding 20% of the funds that have been donated through to the families in need we have
decided to disable the links to that organisation until such times that we are more convinced that the money will, in fact,
go to those who were the intended recipients.
October 31st, 2001...new page added, Patriotic Forces,
and extra eagle and flag graphics added. The Breast Cancer Awareness Month features removed.
October 30th,
2001...two new pages added, showing pictures of tributes at U.S. Embassies worldwide. The music for the two or three
pages without it will be added over the next few days.
October 29th, 2001...additional text and pictures
October 25th, 2001...extra pictures added throughout the site.
October 22nd,
2001...extra page added..."Lady Liberty Patriotic Graphics"...now over 600 images on over 30 pages.
18th, 2001...complete restructuring to put the pages in a more logical order, some pages re-titled, more pictures
added, and "Our Personal Tribute" page added.
October 13th, 2001...what was Patriotic Graphics Page
1 is now "Flags and Badges" and we have an ALL NEW Patriotic Graphics Page 1. There are now a total of 30 pages on the site,
and a total of 500 images.
October 11th, 2001...the "flags,buttons,and banners" page has a new title
"Patriotic Graphics", and two more graphics pages added (watch for more to come soon).
October 9th, 2001...addition
of four new pages and over 100 extra pictures.
October 6th, 2001...Third page of tribute pictures
added and some additional pictures on other pages.
October 3rd, 2001...yet more pictures and text
added to various pages, the "Slide Show" page has been temporarily deleted due to continued technical problems, but we now
have a second "Tribute Pictures" page in it's place.
October 2nd, 2001...more pictures,text and music
added throughout the website, additionally section about Breast Cancer Awareness added for the month of October.
30th, 2001...Three extra pages added,"Attack on New York Page 2", "Plane Crash in Pennsylvania", and "The World Mourns",
additional pictures and text added throughout the site, and some slight re-sizing of pictures.
September 26th,
2001...More pictures added, remaining music added, and minor site work continued.
September 25th,
2001...approx 40 new pictures and additional text added throughout the website
September 22nd, 2001...new
page added "Survivor Stories", also more content added to the "Rescue Dogs" and "Poems and Prayers" pages, along wih a wonderful
new "Tribute Picture" as seen through the eyes of a child.
September 19th, 2001...new page added
"Lyrics to the Music",for the benefit of the Deaf community and anyone else wishing to have a printed copy.
18th, 2001...new page added "How to Help",slight re-alignment of existing pages, and addition of this site information
September 14th, 2001...decision made to produce a tribute website, with the intention to
have just a few pages, one each for the incidents in New York, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania, with a lead page, and an
end page.
